Last minute packing for North Carolina and more

Last modified date

Comments: 2

Oh my, it's after midnight and I'm still not packed.Well, tomorrow I take a plane to North Carolina to get a car, for a physics teaching workshop, and a great road trip back. I’ll be posting here throughout the trip, so stop back by to see what’s up. If you forget the password, it’s the name of my granddaughter !!

The photo on the right is after midnight, and I’m still not finished packing 🙁

Lucky the plane doesn’t leave until 8:30 pm.


2 Responses

  1. Just a test to see if the comments are working 🙂

    There is a spam filter that does a pretty good job of catching spam comments, so don’t write to much about your anatomy and how big it is.

  2. Hi Lee! I saw your folks the other day. They told me about your upcoming trip. I look forward to reading your blog.

    I’m in the 3rd week of a 6-week creative writing class at Berkeley City College. It’s great! Will likely be blogging myself.

    Been thinking about you and hope we can connect upon your return. Travel safe.


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