So that’s what it feels like…

I’m usually really good at directions. I can spend a few hours in a town and have a good sense of which way is north, where to catch the bus, where the health food store is, etc. However, for some reason I have Greensboro upside down. I keep thinking that the north direction is south. Which leads me to mix up east and west. I’m not sure why I feel this way. I can see it on a map, but still not have it down. Maybe it’s because the map I’ve been viewing is on my little phone screen (it’s a Palm Treo, so it’s much bigger than most phone screens, but it’s still pretty small). My dorm was North something hall, but I keep thinking I’m on the south end.

I think part of the problem is that I’m so used to coastal living, where the water and hills define directions so easily. I’m not sure I could live in a place where the topography did not have distinct landmarks, having lived in places with this my whole life–well, there was 4th grade in Kansas City 🙂 .

Anyway, I’ve finished lunch, and I’m happily waiting for George Coyne’s talk. I’ll write more later.




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