Berkeley Traffic Circles – Share the Lane

The traffic circles in Berkeley neighborhoods have created confusion for many car drivers. One of the difficulties is knowing how to interact with bicycles. The Bike Friendly Berkeley Coalition’s email chat list has been discussiong what signage could be placed at the circles to help drivers understand how the circles work. One of the main concerns is to let drivers understand that they cannot pass bicycles in the circles (there’s just not enough space). I developed the sign on the right as a draft sign to provide an image of what a sign could look like. Click on the image to see it larger.
And here’s a second version, including a pedestrian:

It was interesting to discover that in the US, it seems that all pedestrian sign icons show the pedestrian walking from one side to the other. I found a pedestrian walking forward on a German sign.
I’m sure that if either of these gets selected by the city, professional graphic artists will modify them using standard images and font (mine approximate standards).
Never understood why Americans have such trouble with traffic circles. I love em and hope the city has a good experience with the experiment.