
A little about me

Photo of teachers conducting an experiment at a workshop
Leading teachers in a workshop at an NSTA conference in Reno.
  • I taught high school for 26 years. In the spring of 2020, I decided it was time to leave the classroom and focus on teacher support and tutoring students.
    • I taught 14 years in public school and twelve year in Catholic school.
    • In the middle of this, I took a year off to work as a Curriculum Materials Developer with the SEPUP program at Lawrence Hall of Science at UC Berkeley.
  • I ran a web directory for Berkeley businesses, ShopInBerkeley.com, which provided free and low-cost web pages for Berkeley businesses. I started in 2000, but in 2009 I decided there were enough other directories out there that I could “retire” the site. There’s still a skeleton of the site, but most pages have “redirects” that take people to appropriate web pages instead of my old pages.
  • I live in the Davis, CA, but lived in Berkeley for most of my life. The Bay Area is definitely my home, but I’m learning to appreciate Davis.
  • My amazing wife Katie joined life with me in 2012. I have one step-daughter through my marriage with Katie, one from a previous marriage, as well as a wonderful granddaughter.
  • Before teaching I worked in food service management before teaching, which gave me the opportunity to work managing food concessions at Super Bowl XIX, the World Cup, and the Olympics.
  • In 2009 I started a geology-focused hiking group that included one-day and multiple-day outings. When we moved to Davis, my daily hikes have stopped, but others in the group may start more after COVID-19 restrictions end.
  • I manage a few web sites for local groups, including Berkeley Partners for Parks and the Berkeley Alumni Association (the public schools, not the university), and Northern California/Nevada section of the American Association of Physics Teachers.
  • My brother, who is also a teacher, writes a blog on his bicycle racing life in the 1970’s and ’80’s.
  • I’m a WordPress convert: WordPress provides excellent back-end functionality for web sites, and these days it’s all I use for web site design. I’m humored that the initials for WordPress are the same as the word processor I still occasionally use: WordPerfect.


You can find my online resume here. The password is Lee (you’re welcome to read it, but I don’t want search engines indexing it).

You may also find me

Photo of adding thumbtacks for Saturn's orbit
Students creating a scale model of our solar system on the ceiling of my classroom.

17 Responses

  1. Hi Lee,
    I’ve been thinking about you lately. I am so glad to see you are moving back to Berkeley. You deserve to be there and be with good people in a co-op. I am still adjusting to being by the Puget sound. Its fun to be in the woods on Whidbey Island, its just rather cold and grey more often than I would like. Slower pace and friendlier folks make it a refreshing break from the bay area. I hope to come down for a visit this fall. Would love to see you.
    What is the best email to reach you?
    All the best,

  2. Hello Lee from Delta British Columbia Canada. I was just surfing and decided to see if we could make contact after many years since my wife Betty Anne and I visited your mom and dads home many years ago when we were on a three week holiday visiting a bunch of sprint car race tracks in and around northern California. Betty Anne and I just celebrated our 48 th anniversary and inMarch I hit the magic 70 years young list.. Bett and I have as you might remember 4 children — all married and have 9 grandchildren–6 girls and 3 boys. With my dad passing away last year in his 93rd year, and his 3 brothers all deceased , I am now the oldest living Trampleasure in Canada. I have a sister and a brother who live back in Ontario and brother Mike has two boys as well as my oldest son has 2 boys as well our middle son has 1 son. Hopefully the name will continue on . ANYWAY, GET BACK TO ME WHEN ABLE AND SAY HELLO TO YOUR MOM AND DAD O.K.?

  3. I have a pdf file from the BHS athletic fund and wanted to post it for fellow alumini to see but do not know how to post it

    thanks Clifford

  4. Lee-
    I came across your name on the KQED website on a post you made about their genealogical show on Forum. I’m guessing you’re the same person as the one who made the post! As you say, you have a very distinct name, so I’m wondering if you’re the same Lee whom I walked with for 25 miles in a walkathon in Berkeley and Oakland around 1974 or 1975? I did a search and came across your blog. Sounds like you’ve been doing great work!

    I’m also an avid family researcher and some of my findings are at http://www.tonaidin.net. I’m working for the Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation now, and our website is http://www.aiisf.org. Happy New Year!

    Grant Din

  5. Hi Grant. Small world. Yes, I’m the same Lee. Did we really walk 25! miles? I remember the “old days” walk-a-thons where you had to go back and collect the money after you walked. I did one bike-a-thon that was 17 miles but you could do it several times. I think I did it four times, and didn’t really insist that people pay me for 68 miles 🙂

    It looks like you’re doing good work as well. The AIISF sounds like a great organization. I took a geology hiking group to the island last year to look at the geology of the island. We had short discussions about the island as an immigration station as we walked by the immigration facilities.


  6. Hi,

    Your site is awesome..

    I can see that you are using Sliding doors theme here.
    Can you please let me know how you managed to change the original text in the pictyure and replace them with your text like: Computers/web, family and About.

    I am able to change the images but not able to change the text.

    Please help.


  7. Hi,

    Your site is awesome..

    I can see that you are using Sliding doors theme here.
    Can you please let me know how you managed to change the original text in the pictyure and replace them with your text like: Computers/web, family and About.

    I am able to change the images but not able to change the text.

    Please help.


  8. Hi Abi,

    Unfortunately, the text in the images does not sit on top of them as text (which would be accessible to screenreaders), but must be added to your images using image editing software. The challenge is to find images that you can place a high contrast colored text over the images, so they are easily readable. I had a few photos I wanted to use, but ended up not selecting them because I couldn’t use the white font the left side of them.

  9. Hi Lee,
    I was reading about you helping others with the Grade Machine. I’m trying to use your License editor in windows 7 and I still don’t manage to make it work. Already tried to run it in compatibility mode with every OS option, also tried them as administrator with no luck. I try to run it but nothing happens. The grade machine version is the one downloadable from Johnson County Community College website. What else can i do to obtain it for myself and print my student reports with my name not the Johnson County Community College name.

  10. Hi Lee,
    I saw in another blog a post by your asking about teacher apps for android. I was dismayed at the lack of teacher apps for grading/attendance and finally started learning how to make apps a few months ago. I have a free version TeacherAide Lite and a paid version TeacherAide Pro. It’s constantly being updated as I add more features and learn new skills, as well as incorporate feedback from users. Feel free to take a look and give some feedback.

  11. Hi Lee!

    I’m not sure if you are the right Trampleasure family member to contact. But I had a P.E teacher back in 1996 in elementary school in Richmond, CA, and I was wondering if it was your brother. I only remember he was Mr. T, and he was a cyclist.

    I’d like to send your brother a thank you note for his influence in my development as an athlete, and as a cyclist.



  12. Someone asked me for a list of modelers in the bay area. So far ive had no luck finding a list. Do you have access to any names???

  13. Hi Lee,

    I am a graduate of the class of 74 and was friends with Calvin back in the day. I am just checking in to reconnect with the class and see if there is a mailing list or contact list I can be added to since I have moved recently. Perhaps I will make it to the picnic. Thanks for organizing the Alumni stuff!

    Mark Joseph
    1300 Mountain View Dr.
    Aspen CO 81611

  14. hey lee
    wus poppin my guy, proud to see you working at Ma what a cool place. hope you get a good education, have a good one my guy. dont let nothing get you down. hope you have fun with your new job and you get to teach all those kids something good. have fun at AAPT and make the earthquake

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